thermal processing equipment for laboratory
เตาเผา เตาอบอุณหภูมิสูง เตาเผาความร้อนสูง
Muffle furnaces
one piece chamber made of fiber ther insulation Max Temp. 1100, 1300 C
one piece chamber made of fiber ther insulation Max Temp. 1100, 1300 C
SNOL3/1100 Vol 3 L , SNOL8.2/1100 Vol 8.2L
SNOL13/1100 Vol 13L , SNOL 22/1100 Vol 22L
Chamber furnaces
fiber thermal insulation plates
Max Temp. 1100, 1200, 1600 C
fiber thermal insulation plates
Max Temp. 1100, 1200, 1600 C
SNOL40/1200 Vol 40L
Furnace with ceramic chamber
solid ceramic chamber
Max temp. 900, 1100, 1200, 1300 C
solid ceramic chamber
Max temp. 900, 1100, 1200, 1300 C
SNOL4/900 Vol 4 L, SNOL7.2/900 Vol. 7.2L
SNOL12/1300 Vol 12L , SNOL 15/1300 Vol 15L
SNOL12/1300 Vol 12L , SNOL 15/1300 Vol 15L
Shaft furnaces
Door open on the top
Max temp 900C, solid ceramic chamber
SNOL 75/550LHN02
Max temp 550C, stainless steel chamber
Door open on the top
Max temp 900C, solid ceramic chamber
SNOL 75/550LHN02
Max temp 550C, stainless steel chamber